Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Last week I was called a bottle of sunshine by one of my co-workers and one of my managers.  I feel as though at my job I am finally appreciated and recognized for the work and positive attitude I put in.  In past jobs, I was never recognized for anything that I did that I finally just didn’t care anymore and stopped going above and beyond unless if it would help a customer.  This brought me down not only at work, but also in life in general.  I started to think, am I really that bad of a person?  Do I really not do enough?  So I started being somewhat mopey for a while.  Kind of like eeyore!
I think the negative energy traveled from work into my personal life and that was not healthy whatsoever.  That’s why with my job now I have decided anything bad that happens will not come home with me and the next day I will start all over again.

Anyway, I was called a bottle of sunshine not only by people in my department, but one of the other departments as well, all because I say Good Morning.  I’m trying to have a new take on life in general.  When it comes to work, I will work as hard as I possibly can.  After work is when I have my life.  I will not let anything negative spill over to my personal life, as well as no personal things coming to the workplace.  I think that’s why I’m so positive because I block out certain things and I let a lot of things go.  Which can also be bad because I can easily get taken advantage of.  However, I feel that I’d rather be this way than what I was before.  It’s really not that hard to be happy, at least for me.  I have a loving and supportive family, a dog who loves me unconditionally, a job, and just enough friends.

I know there are people out there who have it much worse than I do, therefore I have no reason to be negative.  Sure I could be negative living with epilepsy and having to be technically somewhat disabled for the rest of my life, but I’m very positive.  Maybe it’s just my personality but being a bottle of sunshine makes for such a better life!

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